Not Tebow
Notch on The Belt

It wasn't until I got back to my dorm that Rick called me and told me that I had won. I think they call that irony. Be on the lookout for a collabo and more shows. Peace.

Get Hip
College Heaven
Damnn she punished her forehead. lol It sucks cause all the other paradies of this do it in slow mo which makes it 10X funnier but this shows her crying which is kinda bittersweet lol. I'm sorry but why would you where a clown mask? Especially a CLOWN mask...thats just Peace.
The Count

Swine Flu
so. I don't know if I should be scared of THE SWINE FLU or not?
Because just knowing how in general alot of people just tend not to be kind of scary because, I feel like if everyone washed their hands, took showers, and covered their mouths when they coughed/sneezed/blew their nose...then I wouldn't be so Paranoid. but some people are just REALLY REALLY REALLY diiiiirty. and a good number of those dirrrty people go to my school. sooo YUCK.
they say that THE SWINE FLU is like a combination of THE BIRD FLU, HUMAN FLU, AND SWINE FLU. i guess one of my biggest concerns is how the HELL someone caught the same sickness that affects birds and PIGS??? thats some wierd sci-fi stuff.
SOOOO far there are 6 swine flu-ers in Maryland. 2 of them are in Anne Arundel and FOUUUR of them are in Baltimore.
ALSO they said the same thing about Bird Flu when it was a "pandemic" back when bush first got into do we take it seriously?? or is it just another scare? this whole thing reminds me of lupe's song Streets on Fire:
Think Big
Obama's Hip Hop Run Down.
One and Only
Lets call it off
I Love College
To The Left, To The Right
Apparently he got on Ellen Degeneres, this man will never have to do another commercial ever again. Actually with the way Hip Hop is going, I wont be surprised if he gets a record deal. Seriously... Peace
I can't believe this women is trying to blame Obama for ushering racism. WTF. I just really hate FOX. Everything black people do is being put under scope. How about they show all the other celebrities and their comments on how much they hated that the Black man won. So what Jeezy and Jay are happy Barack won. Why wouldn't they be. Peace.