
New Release

Mos Def in Brazil

Rappers making a difference again. The spotlight is really on MV Bill. A native Brazillian rapper thats been doing his best to keep youth out of the drug trade in Brazil. Mos Def is jus being the legendary rapper he is and vibing with dude. Visiting diff community centers and hosting live concert. Caught my eye because Mos Def made the attempt to reach out and show the difficulties these kids are going through and how MV Bill is using his talent to help his community



So Jay got an autobiography out which is definitely bout be the topic of conversation for the next couple months. The Jigga man droppin knowledge and detailing life lessons learned in text. Above all that the marketing campaign for the book is intense. Bing and Droga5 bombed the world with images of various pages from the book. I gotta say. Shits dopee.

See more Here. Peace


Pretty sure this is already viral. Not really interested in the content of this rant but the context. New album out. Media hating. Flaky fans jumping back on the bandwagon. Kanye delivers once again. Favorite moment had to be the random "GayFish" on which Kanye ends the rant.

WERS 88.9 FM@Night

I don't usually listen to the radio. Not just because its repetitive but nothing on it is new. But my homie AP put me on this station in Boston. Not to far from campus. Their selection of music is way deeper than your average urban radio or those that claim to be. Thirty min went by, then an hour and I was still vibin. It didnt take long before I heard DMV.

Radio is still worth something.

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