
New Release



Well uhh we got another ref tackling players I mean the outcome of this game wasn't on the line here but damn that was a big hit lol. It also wasn't as blatant either I mean it looks like the ref really was trying to brace himself but if you click the link and see the still shots that cat Darby look like he got straight OWNED. Oh well.Peace



lol idk i was just looking on youtube and saw this, made me laugh like shit. This really should lead to some bigger controversial discussion between women who sell themselves to provide for their family and those who try to get real jobs. BUT f*ck it I'm lazy today and i don't feel like getting into it. Just enjoy.Peace

Almost Got Him


A round of applause please for this guy who threw his shoes. LOL he kept trying to hit him after he missed the first too LMAO. Apparently bush was like the war is getting there but we'll need more time Pfft! watever. So this guy flipped and threw his shoes. But Bush dodge them LIKE IT WAS NOTHING LOL. It was like he was expecting someone to throw something or maybe he had practice from dodging the crap we probably throw at him. well you almost gottem pal. Hopefully Obama won't have to worry about dodging anything. Peace

Fleece Johnson

WOW b. I had no idea. This might be old to some of yall but I was surfing on Youtube and this is what I found.LMAO. The "Booty" as he puts it is more important than water. This dude right here should make all of you even more terrified of getting trouble with the law. SON AND NO ONE SAYS NO??? Are you kidding me? When I watched it the first time I was not laughing, I was in shock afterwards it took some time for it to register. lol but yo you see the producer was about to life. I can't believe that man and he called himself a warrior? ROTFL. ridiculous.Peace.

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